My Project
Here I am providing the link of projects & Seminars which i completed in my graduation.
1.Net Projects.
1.Net Projects.
To use the .Net projects you need following items.
i) Visual Studio 2008/2010.
ii)Sql Server 2005.
iii)Microsoft office 2007.
1.Windows form Application. The link of projects is given here:
i)Small Project
In this link you find some small projects created by me.There details are:
i)Temp Converter.In this project i make a temp converter which is converted the temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit and Fahrenheit to Celsius.
ii)Reminder.This is simple reminder ,it is remind you in which time you are fix.
iii)Watch.This is simple watch.
iv)Calculator.This is simple calculator.
ii)Funny projects
In this link you find some small games created by me. There details are:
i) Lucky 7.In this game you choose any box and bid the money if after throwing the dice, if number is come and you bid in that box then you Win otherwise loose.
ii)Time Pass.In this game you have to guess the no. in black box.
iii)Ghost.In this game as you turn off the light ghost is coming and turn on the light ghost is gone.
iv)Magic Of Colors & Magic Of If-Else. In these project color will be changed in certain conditions.
In this link you find my first minor project based on windows from application.In this software you can enter, search, update,delete presentation of world etc features found.
2.Windows Web Application. The link of projects is given here:
i)User Gallery
This link include my project user gallery,in which you upload and see the images in selective way.
ii)Movie Download
This link include project movie download means you can download the video.
iii)Library management system
This link include project Library management system in which you search your book according your author etc.The link is provided up which is included database and code of project.
iv)Compare products
This link include project Compare Products in which you search your product, compair them according category of product and pay the bill online.The link is provided up which is included project.
v)Online collage information system
This link include project Online collage information system , which is my final year major project.In this project faces:-Admin, Faculty, Student, Visitor. In this project you can Student can find their internal marks, messages about their internal test, their score.Chat with faculty etc. The link is given up, this is included database and code and also full report of the project.
2.Java Projects.
To use the Java projects you need -->JDK(java development kit)
i)Online Test
This link include online test project.Snapshot of this project is given here.
After enter the name
ii)Other Java Project
This link include my other java projects,such as Simple Calculator,mail formation & compose.
Please Upload some new projects.
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